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Writing Update: Lovebirds and Guillotines

Hi, all! Hope the week has treated you well. I have exciting news: I was speaking to my critique partner, Kelsey, about a, ahem, saucy scene I wrote about Anatole, my executioner distant cousin (it's okay because he's been dead for 78 years), and Rosalie, his wife and France's first female cyclist. Kelsey was interested in their romantic life prior to Dove Keeper, and we started pitching ideas for different conflicts. Turns out, there's a lot to explore, and I'm not ready to move on from these characters just yet.

So, guess what? I've decided to put off my lesbian ghost story temporarily, which is currently at roughly 20K, to work on a fun, admittedly fanfiction-y project. While the ghost story was fun and meticulously outlines, I, for lack of a better word, want to write about my OTP. What's more is that it's a romance without heavy supernatural elements! I've always struggled to write stories without a supernatural element because even when I've wanted to do this with the Deibler family narrative, all I could manage were small poems and vignettes.

I enjoy romances. Every story of mine, including the ghost story, contains a romance because the stakes are always so personal and, therefore, intense. I'll also consult Jami Gold's beat sheet, which I've had bookmarked for a little while.

What about you? What are you working on? Let me know!

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